Emergency Contact Numbers

To Report a crime taking place call the RSPCA and the Police and get a crime number

Emergency 999 / General Enquiries 101       Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111

Cheshire              0845 458 0000                                                    www.cheshire.police.uk

Specifically for Warrington contact either PC Philip Greaves or PC Michelle Evans

Warrington East is covered by Philip Greaves (phillip.greaves@cheshire.pnn.police.uk)

Warrington South is covered by Michelle Adamson (michelle.adamson@cheshire.pnn.police.uk).

And all other areas are split between the two.

There is also an intelligence officer PC Carol McCormack (Carol.McCormick.pnn.police.uk) who deals with other forces.

Merseyside        0151 709 6010                    Wildlife Officer (Rachel Krueger 0151 777 5441)

(although web site says contact/report crimes to 101)

e mail: commcen@merseyside.pnn.police.uk           Greater Manchester   www.gmp.police.uk


For Injured Wildlife or Cruelty to animals call:

RSPCA             (Cruelty Line 0300 1234 999)                                     www.rspca.org.uk

Warrington, Halton & St Helens            01925632944    Slutchers Lane Bank Quay Warrington. WA1 1NA

Wildlife Centre, Stapeley Grange,       0300 123 0722  London Road, Nantwich. CW5 7JW

Please note Sloutchers Lane do not take in casualties!

Bat Advice

Injured bats or bats in a building:   Bat Conservation Trust  Helpline 0345 1300 228       www.bats.org.uk

Cheshire Bat Group – see Facebook and Yahoo Groups – E mail:   cheshirebats@yahoo.co.uk

Lanc Bat Group Bat Line: 0161 764 8850 E mail:   enquiry@slbg.org.uk    www.slbg.org.uk


RSPB    Birds & wildlife advice  01767 693690 (office hours)            www.rspb.org.uk

BTO       Bird surveys & sciences  01842 750050                              www.bto.org.uk

CAWOS            E mail:   info@cawos.org.uk                 www.cawos.org.uk

For injured raptors call  Wildwings (Ian and Carole)    07957 416883

Lower Moss Wood (Wildlife Hospital)

01565 755082 School Lane, Knutsford. WA16 8SJ                  www.lowermosswood.org.uk

Natural England       

For all legislation and information relating to species and the law/planning                                   www.naturalengland.org.uk

Badger Advice

Wirral & Cheshire Badger Group                                           www.wcbg.org.uk

Badger Trust                           0845 828 7878                        www.badgertrust.org.uk


Cheshire Local Record Centre            www.record-lrc.co.uk E mail:  info@record-lrc.co.uk

Warrington Borough Council

New Town House, Buttermarket Street Warrington WA1 2NH

01925 443322   www.warrington.gov.uk e-mail contact@warrington.gov.uk